Aging Gracefully: 10 Tips from Blue Zones

Aging Gracefully: Nine Tips From Longevity Sites

What Are Some Tips To Age Gracefully?

Longevity sites, are the areas in the world where people live longer, healthier lives than anywhere else. Research shows that globally, five regions boast the highest concentration of centenarians:

  • Ikaria, Greece
  • Okinawa, Japan
  • Loma Linda, United States
  • Nicoya, Costa Rica
  • Sardinia, Italy

Those living in these zones, however, don’t just live to be 100 - they thrive. In studying their lifestyles, researchers, including Dr. Valter Longo who developed The Longevity Diet based on these principles, carefully observed their dietary patterns, physical activity levels and methods, and social interactions as a way to understand how to promote longevity. 

Here are nine of the discoveries they made—- all scientifically-backed tips for aging gracefully and maintaining wellness at any age. 

1. Periodic Fasting

In longevity sites, people tend to have their lightest meals towards the end of the day, often eating according to their body’s circadian rhythm, from sunrise to sunset, typically within a 12-hour window (e.g., 7 am to 7 pm). While this pattern may be natural for them, it is known to us as Time Restricted Eating (TRE), a form of intermittent fasting. Following the 12:12 pattern, specifically, supports the body's natural processes, leading to better digestion, improved energy levels, and overall health. Eating in the morning, especially, ensures that the body utilizes nutrients more effectively to support optimal function of critical organs.

Additionally, Intermittent fasting (0-2 days) has been shown to enhance fat burning and metabolic flexibility, and prolonged fasting (>72 hours) is associated with cellular rejuvenation and positive health markers, such as the potential support for healthy blood pressure and insulin levels - all which play key roles in healthy aging. 

2. Maintain a Balanced Diet

A lot of information is circulating about diets today, including which will help you lose weight and which will help you lead a longer life. In longevity sites, people eat a plant-based diet rich in whole grains, fresh vegetables, fruit, and a little lean protein from fish. Their diets are filled with healthy fats, and red meat consumption is extremely limited. 

The Longevity Diet was curated by Dr. Valter Longo following guidelines based on the diets of those living in these zones. His research is particularly helpful for those looking to support longevity through their diet, providing extensive guidance on what to consume alongside fasting methods.

3. Keep Active — Naturally

In all five longevity sites, aerobic exercise is a priority, but not in the manner you might think. Instead of hitting the gym to run for 30 minutes on the treadmill, they go for walks with friends or spend time gardening. Rather than specifying an “amount of time” per day to exercise, they seize organic opportunities for activity. 

In fact, movement in these areas occurred naturally and as a result of their way of life. Instead of focusing on movement for aesthetics or as a box to check on a long to-do list, those in longevity sites include natural movement in their daily lives. Give it a try!

4. Prioritize Managing Stress 

Those living in longevity sites have defined ways to handle stress. While every person experiences stress, managing it is key to maintaining and protecting both physical and mental health. In some of these sites, people take naps as a way to give their minds a midday rest. In others, they use meditations for mindfulness and reflection as a means to not to take life too seriously. Some may also use natural movement as a form of stress relief.

Consider ways that work best for you. 

5. Prioritize Sleep

The effects of poor sleep are cumulative. Research even suggests that a lack of sleep among middle-aged people is associated with an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Therefore, making sleep a priority at any age is essential to our health. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep, depending on age and activity level. As we get older, we need less sleep, but getting enough sleep is paramount to aging well. 

6. Foster Meaningful Relationships

Growing older can make it more difficult to find “your tribe,” but in all the longevity zones, meaningful relationships are integral to the ability of people to feel a true sense of belonging, engage socially, feel comfortable, and even protect themselves in cases of emergencies. 

Foster and invest in the relationships you already have — they could just benefit your overall health.

7. Pursue New Hobbies

The aging process often leads some people to become sedentary and may also cause them to lose interest in hobbies they once loved. Pursuing hobbies, learning new skills, and fostering healthy social connections are key to keeping your brain sharp, experiencing a sense of belonging, and supporting a meaningful life.

If you can no longer engage in a hobby you once loved, find one you can enjoy. Learn something new. Continue to have conversations with new people and engage in social activities. 

8. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is foundational to health. For proper hydration, the body needs electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphate, because they ensure water is effectively absorbed by cells and are crucial for bodily functions.

To maintain adequate hydration, it's essential to replenish electrolytes through diet rather than supplement drinks, which often contain added sugars. A diet rich in whole foods and nutrients, along with drinking ½ oz of water per pound of body weight daily (e.g., if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz, or just over 9 cups) can help keep your optimally hydrated. 

9. Make Regular Checkups a Habit

Regular health screenings with your healthcare provider are essential for healthy aging. Many illnesses are preventable, treatable, or curable if they are detected early. 

Older adults need a visit to the doctor at least once every year. If you have an increased risk of heart disease, have had cancer, or suffer from an illness that requires medical management, you might need to see your doctor more frequently. 

Following even just one of these tips from those living well into their 100s can help set you on the path towards living a longer, healthier life. Prolon’s products were all scientifically designed to support just that - healthspan, and we are honored to be your partner on your longevity journey!
