What happens in my body during the Fasting Mimicking Diet?

FMD® provides the body with a scientifically developed, naturally occurring combination of macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) and micronutrients (essential vitamins and minerals) designed to keep the body nourished while going through the rejuvenating process of the fasting state. 

What happens on Days 1 to 5 on my ProLon Fast?

  • Day 1: Transforming to a Fasting State: Your body is transitioning to a fasting state and fat- burning mode, and begins preparation for cellular clean-up.
  • Day 2: Fat Burning & Ketogenesis: Fast Burning & Ketogenesis: Fast-Burning ramps up, contributing to the initiation of ketogenesis (ketone production). By the end of this day (48 hours), ketosis may occur.
  • Day 3: Autophagy Clean Up State: Cellular clean-up (autophagy) Fat-burning and ketone production/utilization continues and increases.
  • Day 4: Cellular Rejuvenation: Cellular cleaning/renewal & fat-burning You’re in the final stretch.
  • Day 5: Renewal & Change: Fast completed, cellular renewal continues beyond Day 5.