What is the shelf life of the products?
Kindly note that our products are best enjoyed within 3 to 5 months of receipt. We do our best to provide products with at least 3 months of shelf life. To ensure optimal freshness and quality, we advise against consuming...
What is the purpose of the L-Drink?
The purpose of the glycerin in the L-Drink is to provide the body with an alternate energy source to use instead of lean body mass during days 2-5 of the fast. So, the L-Drink helps protect your lean body mass...
What is intermittent fasting (IF)?
Intermittent fasting can be defined as fasting for less than 2 days. Time-restricted eating, the 5:2 diet, and alternate day fasting are all included under the umbrella term of IF (see also the TRE question and answer below). While there...
How long do the benefits of the ProLon program last?
Health benefits are sustained for up to three months if you complete 3 consecutive cycles of ProLon. We have not studied the retention of benefits from a single cycle of ProLon.
What are the food pathways affected by the ProLon program?
While there are many different signaling factors in the “nutrient-sensing pathways” involved with cellular fasting, the 3 primary nutrient-sensing pathways that ProLon and fasting down-regulate are IGF-1, mTOR, and PKA. The process is complex, and each pathway can interact with...
What type of fast should I do?
No matter which kind of fasting you choose, it can be beneficial. There may be certain risks with specific kinds of fasts, which is why you should first talk about your plan with your healthcare provider. To learn about the...
Who should engage in the ProLon® Dietary program?
ProLon is intended for use by healthy individuals who want to enhance their health and well-being and by individuals who struggle with weight and want to proactively manage their weight in an easy and healthy way.
What happens in my body during the Fasting Mimicking Diet?
FMD® provides the body with a scientifically developed, naturally occurring combination of macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) and micronutrients (essential vitamins and minerals) designed to keep the body nourished while going through the rejuvenating process of the fasting state.  What happens...
What is the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) and how does it work?
The ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet is a proprietary plant-based restricted-calorie meal program that lasts 5 days and has been scientifically designed to provide the rejuvenating effects of fasting at the cellular level, while still providing the body with nourishment. It...
How should the ProLon Diet be used?
The diet should be used for five consecutive days, after which the individual will transition on the 6th day and then resume their normal diet. The program provides a meal card that recommends how to consume the items for each...
How much weight can one expect to lose, and will the individual be able to keep it off?
While the purpose of the ProLon diet is to trigger rejuvenation, weight loss may occur. Everyone is different, and weight loss depends on a number of factors. In a clinical study of participants who completed a 5-day ProLon cycle once...
What is the daily caloric intake on ProLon?
Day 1 has about 1100 calories (kcals), while Days 2-5 have between 700 and 800 calories (kcals) per day.
Why do people of different sizes and weights eat the same things and get the same number of calories while on the program?
ProLon has been studied in a wide range of individuals with different caloric needs and the overall meal program was found to be effective at inducing a fasting state in people with a wide range of body mass indices (BMIs),...
What is the difference between the definitions of common fasting, physiologic, and molecular (cellular) fasting?
Common Definition: Abstinence from all or some kinds of food and drink. Physiologic Definition: The switch from burning glucose for energy to burning fatty acids and ketones as a main source of fuel. Molecular (Cellular) Definition: The state in which...
Planning vaccines (like flu shot) around ProLon.
For vaccines scheduled in advance, one should not use ProLon in the week prior to the vaccine. For vaccines that are not planned in advance, if the opportunity to receive a vaccine comes up while you happen to be on...