How Prolon's FMD Optimizes Glucose Levels

How Prolon's FMD Optimizes Glucose Levels

For many on the journey to optimizing metabolic health, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) have emerged as invaluable companions. These wearable devices provide an unprecedented window into your body's real-time responses to different foods, activities, and treatments by tracking blood sugar levels 24/7. 
If you opt to use a CGM while following Prolon's revolutionary 5-Day Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), you may have noticed a temporary spike in your glucose readings after meals. But don't be alarmed – this can be a normal, expected, and beneficial part of the process. 

We know the initial reaction: "I'm fasting, why am I seeing glucose spikes?" It's a valid question – yet, understanding the science behind Prolon's effects reveals a fascinating picture of metabolic optimization. 

Unlike a complete fast which keeps glucose levels continuously depressed, Prolon's strategic, plant-based formulation is designed to briefly elevate glucose from the nutrient-dense, complex carbohydrates. However, this spike is short-lived, lasting only about 20-30 minutes before returning to fasting-mimicking levels. 

First, let’s quickly review how the body metabolizes glucose.  

  • Carbohydrate Absorption: Carbohydrates from foods like breads, grains, fruits, etc. are broken down into glucose in the digestive system and then absorbed in the bloodstream. This leads to an increase in blood glucose levels. 
  • Insulin Secretion: In response to rising blood glucose levels, the pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin is a hormone that facilitates the uptake of glucose into cells, particularly muscle and fat cells, where it can be used for energy or stored as glycogen. The initial spike in glucose triggers this insulin response. 
  • Glycogen Storage and Breakdown: The liver and muscles store glucose in the form of glycogen. However, when glucose is ingested, some of it may be used to replenish glycogen stores, while the rest is used for immediate energy needs, contributing to fluctuations in blood glucose levels. 

Now that we’ve covered the basics of glucose metabolism, why might this spike happen for some individuals when consuming Prolon? 

  • Low Insulin During Fasting: In response to fasting, glucose levels stay low. As a result, the pancreas secretes less insulin. Insulin is our body’s signal to take up glucose into our cells. Because insulin is low, when carbohydrates are consumed during a fast, glucose rises quickly until insulin is secreted and can catch up. This signals our body to absorb and use the glucose.    
  • Higher Stress Response: During fasting, our body increases the presence of counter-regulatory hormones like growth hormone and glucagon to protect against dangerous drops in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). These hormones also sensitize the body to capture and promote glucose absorption upon carbohydrate exposure. Additionally, fasting triggers the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which induce a beneficial type of stress known as hormetic stress. These short, manageable bursts of stress positively impact the body, mind, and emotions, creating a 'sweet spot' where the body is challenged but not overwhelmed, thus avoiding the negative effects of toxic stress. These stress proteins further facilitate fuel availability, as the body, being low on glucose, seeks immediate energy sources. 

Why is this temporary glucose rise so important?  Because it plays a vital role in facilitating many of Prolon's transformative benefits, including: 

  • Sustained Energy: A constant, severe glucose restriction can leave you feeling lethargic. Prolon's calculated glucose bumps help maintain your energy levels during the 5-day period. 
  • Muscle protection: Certain organs in the body, like the brain and the nervous system, need a minimum amount of glucose to function. It either gets it from food or converts other fuels into glucose; muscle is a major source of fuel to generate glucose when it isn’t available from food (a process called gluconeogenesis). Prolon includes complex carbs (and L-Drink) to spare the muscle from being broken down to make glucose. 
  • Reduces Symptoms Related to Water-Only Fasting: Prolon’s unique formulation delivers essential nutrients in a way that reduces the stress associated with fasting. By providing carbohydrates and other key nutrients, it helps maintain stable blood sugar and blood pressure levels, preventing dangerous drops. This gradual approach to creating a keto-friendly cellular environment that does not depend on ketosis for the cellular benefits (the process of burning fat for fuel when glucose is unavailable) minimizes the uncomfortable symptoms often referred to as the 'keto-flu,' such as headaches and nausea.  

 For final assurance, several clinical trials conducted on healthy individuals and those with type 2 diabetes have shown Prolon’s metabolic benefits. These studies demonstrated that multiple cycles of the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) were associated with improvements in body composition, HbA1c levels, and insulin sensitivity. Such positive results confirm that the temporary rise in glucose associated with Prolon is not linked to negative outcomes, but rather to beneficial effects. 

 In essence, these glucose spikes are signs that Prolon is working as designed, optimizing your glycemic control and metabolic health for potential long-term benefits like improved weight management, optimized body composition, and reduced disease risk – so, embrace your CGM's temporary glucose readings! They're evidence that you're maximizing Prolon's fasting-mimicking effects while avoiding the drawbacks of chronic, severe glucose restriction.  

At L-Nutra, we're committed to empowering you with the science behind our powerful Prolon FMD. Continuous glucose monitoring provides a fascinating window into how this revolutionary program is comprehensively transforming your metabolic health from the inside out. 

Struggling with Glucose Management? L-Nutra Health can help. 

If your glucose monitor readings show a constant struggle with blood sugar and glucose management, you may qualify for L-Nutra Health’s metabolic or diabetes programs. These first-of-their-kind, scientifically backed, medically supervised programs target the root cause of these issues using a nutrition-based approach that has been clinically shown to reduce insulin resistance, improve A1C, decrease medication usage, promote fat-focused weight loss while preserving muscle mass, and reverse type 2 diabetes. Remission from Type 2 diabetes is within reach. To learn more, go to