Could Fasting Together Help You Both Live Longer?
Certain things in life just seem to feel easier and more fun with a friend; trying a new restaurant, celebrating a big life event, taking a long road trip, or even receiving difficult news are all things that may come to mind when we think of pursuits we’d rather not attempt alone. Did you know, however, that living a longer and healthier life is also a whole lot more achievable (and enjoyable) when you do it with a partner or close friend? Studies show that people are more likely to adopt healthier habits and lifestyle changes when their community does too, and that when we include our spouse, colleagues, family members, and close friends on our journey to better health, we actually improve our chances of reaching and maintaining our goals. Since implementing healthier lifestyle changes can also help reduce the risk of leading causes of death like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic conditions, there may be no better time to incorporate proven longevity tools like fasting, and investing in meaningful relationships.
Community Promotes Longevity In the Longest Living Regions
Geographic areas where the population shows a historically low rate of chronic diseases, and a high number of nonagenarians and centenarians (people who live past 90 and 100 years) are known as longevity zones. These distinct regions have been studied for the nutrition, exercise, cultural, and lifestyle habits they have in common, which include things like eating fewer calories a day, getting adequate sleep and regular exercise, and maintaining a mostly plant-based diet rich in vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts. Intermittent fasting and daily stress-reducing rituals like prayer, napping, and even happy hours are also common in longevity zones where a commitment to improving personal relationships, and investing in community is strong. In fact, when it comes to longevity, only 20% is attributed to genes alone, while 80% is directly influenced by environment and lifestyle; as a result, scientists have noticed that the people living in these regions tend to spend more time with their often multigenerational families, and surround themselves with friends who share healthier behavior. In Okinawa, Japan, for example, curating a supportive social network, or “moai,” is considered integral to staying healthy.
Fasting Your Way To Lasting Health Benefits
Another consistent trend found in longevity zone populations is intermittent fasting, which gives the body a welcomed break from its work of digesting food, and allows it to focus more acutely on clearing out, and repairing cellular damage. Similarly, the short and long term benefits of a prolonged Fasting Mimicking Diet like the Prolon 5-Day have not only been shown to support healthy weight loss, and improve energy levels and skin appearance, but also promote a very specific kind of cellular reprogramming. This cellular cleanup and regeneration has been shown to improve metabolic markers, bolster a healthier immune system, and even reduce one’s biological age score by 2.5 years when used three times over the course of three consecutive months. Autophagy is a key process that’s usually triggered on day 3 of the Prolon 5-Day FMD, and its active evaluation and elimination of damaged cellular components allows more viable ones to function more efficiently. Autophagy may also be useful in maintaining the integrity of the gut lining, which in turn can support a healthier microbiome to produce brain-supporting compounds, and improve cognitive function over time. All of these benefits are indicative of why intermittent fasting, and in particular Fasting Mimicking Diets which achieve these results while still allowing the body some food for nourishment and muscle protection, can be an ideal jumpstart to introducing healthier lifestyle changes into your daily routine.
Whether you and your partner are looking for a post-summer repair and reset now that the kids are back in school, or you and a friend are hoping to kickstart some new health goals before the holiday season, embarking on a Prolon 5-Day FMD with someone you love can set you both up for success in a supportive environment. That’s why when you buy one Prolon 5-Day during the month of September, we’ll offer you a second kit at 25% OFF, so you and a friend, coworker, family member, or spouse can experience the many benefits of fasting together! You’ll also receive a complimentary bag of 14 Prolon Fasting Shakes, which help to extend your intermittent fasting window and maximize a fat-burning state, while still providing your body with nourishment to support your energy and nutrition. Claim your $299 deal today, and invite someone special to join you on a better journey to lasting health and longevity.