Reprogram, Reset, Rewind: The Science of Cellular Rejuvenation and Reprogramming
When we talk about the deep cellular renewal benefits of the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), much of the discussion centers on autophagy, the body’s cellular recycling, removal, and repair process – but that’s just the first phase of the total cellular reprogramming that occurs as a result of a prolonged FMD like Prolon’s 5-Day Program. Backed by over 30 scientific studies and 25 years of research, Prolon’s nutrition technology doesn’t stop with autophagy; it works to promote a total cellular reset in the body, one that has been linked to a significant reduction in biological age score, improved metabolic markers, and a healthy immune system. Here’s a closer look at this remarkable cellular transformation.
Phase 1: Autophagy (Rejuvenation)
Autophagy, the initial stage of cellular reprogramming (otherwise known as cellular rejuvenation), is triggered when the body is deprived of nutrients for an average of 72 hours. This is why autophagy generally activates on Day 3 of your 5-Day Program - it usually will not activate when we are consuming food. When we eat, our nutrient sensing pathways down regulate our body’s ability to spark autophagy; however when we fast, these pathways are turned off and autophagy can take place. This is what makes Prolon’s nutrition technology so revolutionary – your body is able to turn off these nutrient sensing pathways so autophagy can occur, but you are still receiving essential nourishment during the fasting period.
So what happens during autophagy and this first stage of cellular reprogramming? In this initial period, your body begins to evaluate and eliminate cellular waste buildup; think of it as a massive spring cleaning at the cellular level. During autophagy your body identifies and discards damaged components like protein and organelles while working to recycle and prioritize what is still viable.
Phase 2: Cellular Reprogramming
After these damaged cellular components are discarded, the body is able to make way for younger, higher-functioning cells to thrive. These more vibrant cells work to help the body function more efficiently, support key metabolic markers, immune health, and consequently work to slow the aging process – a transformation we refer to as cellular reprogramming.
“Autophagy ends with a full reprogramming of new cells, “ explains L-Nutra’s CEO, Dr Joseph Antoun MD, PhD. “When you reprogram, you are impacting the DNA,” he says. “We are reprogramming the cells to behave younger.”
By clearing the cellular cobwebs and also initiating this reprogramming process, cells operate as efficiently as possible making the 5-Day a longevity game changer.
The Scientific Proof of Cellular Reprogramming
Sure, there may be benefits of the 5-Day Program you can see and feel early on, like possible weight loss, renewed focus, and improved energy levels, but where is the proof that cellular reprogramming is actually taking place? A recent study published in Nature Communications points to two important markers as proof this transformation is indeed occurring.
The first is a reduced biological age score. The breakthrough study found that just three cycles of Prolon (done over the course of three consecutive months) could reduce your biological age by an average of 2.5 years. That means just 15 days out of 90 could make a significant shift in your health journey for years to come. In fact, health calculations based on the data of this study predict that following the FMD 3x a year during the ages of 50 - 70 could reduce your biological age score by 11 years! While further longitudinal research is needed to verify these calculations, the longevity potential is impressive.
The second key marker is improved immune health. The study noted that three consecutive cycles of Prolon also increased the lymphoid to myeloid ratio: an indicator of immune system age, suggesting that the cellular changes taking place may also support a healthy immune system.
While there are many benefits to the FMD, it’s Prolon’s nutrition technology that takes the body all the way to the cellular reprogramming phase, setting the foundation for lasting longevity and a meaningful impact on your health journey.