Provider Resources

Fasting Week Resources - HCP E-mal Samples
  Subject Line: Lose 5 lbs. in just 5 days with ProLon FMD.  Hello [Name],  We know you’re doing all you can to ensure the health and safety of you and your loved ones during the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Unfortunately,...
Fasting Week Resources - HCP Talking Points for Daily Check Ins
Talking Points for Daily Check-in's  What Happens to Your Body During Your 5-Day ProLon Fast  Day 1: On the first day of your ProLon fast, your body transitions into a fasting state and fat-burning mode, and begins preparations for cellular...
Fasting Week Resources - Fasting Week E-Mails
Email #1 – Fasting Week Challenge   Subject Line: Your Upcoming Fast   TAKE THE CHALLENGE, GET MOTIVATED & JOIN US  Ready to make a positive change to how you look and just 5 days? From weight loss to cellular rejuvenation...
Fasting Week Resources
Fasting Week Activation Package  Objective:   Support HCPs to create successful Fasting Challenge for their patients. “Patients advance together!”  HCP may be able to:  Charge for a visit every day of the challenge if HCP has a 15-30 minutes Zoom meeting...